Mobile Magazine January 2022 | Page 37

“ In my opinion simplification is a key enabler for digitisation ”

Chain at Vodafone Germany . It will help us to reach the next level on our transformation roadmap delivering business growth by focusing on customer experience .”
Why the people of Vodafone chose to put customers at the centre of its transformation “ People often refer to companies as human beings ,” says Ipiv . “ It ’ s not Vodafone who does something , there is no ‘ Mr or Mrs Vodafone ’ it is the human beings working at that company , and usually it needs one or two people to make a change in the company . If you believe improving customer experience is the right strategy , then you should drive for it .
“ Two and a half years ago , we said : ‘ we need to change ’. Digitalisation is all around now is the right time . We developed a cross-functional team from digital , retail , IT and supply chain . We sat down and assessed how traditional supply chain organisations are functioning . They are mainly looking at costs and processes to add value to the company , but we said that one element is missing , and that is the customer .
“ This cross-functional team worked together four days a week for three months and defined a customer journey along the supply chain by asking : how should a customer perceive and feel the supply chain when purchasing a product from Vodafone ? We used various creativity techniques , developed personas , analysed data , talked to customers , invited our partners to give us feedback on our ideas or talked to various experts to challenge our views . We had a clear focus on improving the customer experience and digitisation was the enabler . This is how we developed our supply
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