Mobile Magazine July 2020 | Page 44


Cellcard ’ s CEO , Ian Watson , discusses how the telecoms company is enabling a 5G-driven digitisation of Cambodia


D igital technology and the greater use of data have irreversibly changed virtually every industry , and the telecoms sector is no exception . Indeed , the advent of one specific innovation has forever changed the way that we communicate , bank , work and engage with the world , as well as our expectations as consumers : the smartphone .

“ The smartphone has become one of the most important tools in our lives ,” shares Ian Watson , CEO of telecoms leader , Cellcard . “ The smartphone is your connection to the digital world . It is the means to purchase items and pay bills , the vault which holds the data of your life via photographs and videos , an assistant which tells you where you need to be , and can act as the advisor of how to get there . It can measure your health and advise you on issues , and is the instrument which allows you to receive your correspondence and entertainment .”
Cellcard is at the forefront of telecommunications innovation and digital transformation . The business , which is fully Cambodian-owned and
JULY 2020