Mobile Magazine July 2020 | Page 53

“ To have a dynamic 5G network it has to be accessible . It must be fast and deliver everything that we promise ”

— Ian Watson , CEO , Cellcard
conferencing technology linked to mobile phones and devices across Cambodia to assess patients in realtime . This extends to the provision of real-time clinical care , counselling and therapy , as well as education for consultants and support for medical teams .
“ It ’ s part of what we are trying to do as we move into a full 5G environment ,” Watson explains . “ We ’ re looking at using the technology for remote diagnostics in all provinces , to support medical staff and for other diagnosis and treatment services such as recognising cataracts and more . It ’ s all been helped and underpinned by our existing , superfast 4G network too , which remains the best performing in Cambodia .”
Naturally , any significant transformation journey brings challenges and a degree of change management . For example , says Watson , a company can ’ t digitalise if it doesn ’ t have the technology . Cellcard has invested significantly in its network to facilitate the rollout of 5G , but also in building a team of people with the correct mindset and ambition to drive the Kingdom ’ s digitalisation .
On the technologies that will enable this , Watson explains that “ to have a dynamic 5G network it has to be accessible . It must be fast and deliver everything that we promise . But it ’ s not just about speed , it ’ s about understanding and incorporating all of the new opportunities that can be gained from a 5G world , so things like network splicing , enhanced mobile capabilities and the Internet of Things . Second to that , is ensuring you have the necessary platforms to deliver all of the products and services . This includes a robust cloud computing platform and
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