amounts into our security protocols – we simply have to .”
For this , and other areas of technology , Watson states that partnerships prove important . A good technology partner , he says , must fit Cellcard ’ s digital vision and be prepared to work towards the long-term ambitions of the company and the Kingdom . He cites a long-term partnership with Microsoft as a good example , through which Cellcard has access to the company ’ s video conferencing and other technologies .
Looking ahead to a 5G-enabled Cambodia , Watson elaborates on the benefits that the technology will bring , not just to consumers but also the Kingdom ’ s enterprise economy . “ The B2B market is , in my opinion , one of the biggest selling points of 5G ,” he states . “ We ’ re already setting up a dedicated 5G digital enterprise department to focus solely on the B2B and SME sectors and we are investing heavily in data centres so that enterprises can manage and have access to the vast amounts of data that they will need .
“ For Cambodia , the future is very exciting . It ’ s a young , dynamic county and it has huge potential that can be realised by digitalisation . 5G will underpin the true digital transformation of the Kingdom and we ’ re plugged in and ready to deliver on that vision ,” he concludes .
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