Steve Jobs Unveils The Original iPhone – Macworld San Francisco 2007
Steve Jobs Unveils The Original iPhone – Macworld San Francisco 2007
CLICK TO WATCH | 1:38:32
91 global trend of accelerated launches for new devices , innovations like the foldable touchscreen , and the ongoing launch of 5G are expected to accelerate growth beyond 6 % in 2021 . Pitched firmly at the premium band of mobile devices , and limited exclusively to Apple manufactured products , the iOS operating system maintains an approximate market share of around 25 %. Currently , Apple iOS is seeing heaviest penetration in wealthier markets . In the UK , for example , iOS has captured about 50 % of the market share .
However , the majority of cell phones around the world are powered by Google ’ s Android operating system , which accounted for approximately 72 % of the market at the end of 2019 . The remaining market share is divided more or less evenly between Samsung ( although the Korean tech giant primarily runs Android on its devices ), KaiOS , Windows and Series 40 . By 2022 , Android is predicted to accumulate even more of the global market share of devices , reaching 87 % adoption . Over the 13 years since Jobs unveiled the original iPhone , smart-
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