Mobile Magazine - July 2023 | Page 23


» PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND YOUR ROLE I am an Electrical Engineer with extensive experience in the telecommunications sector and have worked at Ericsson for nearly 23 years .

Recently , I relocated from Greece to the UK to lead Networks Solutions and Managed Services for all Ericsson customers in the UK and Ireland . This new role comes at an exciting time , as the UK is experiencing significant progress in 5G deployment . Currently , the UK has reached more than 60 % 5G population coverage . UK operators are preparing to switch on 5G standalone within 2023 , which will further improve the 5G user experience and enable the most innovative 5G use cases .

» TELL US ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION AND CAREER PATH I hold a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens ( NTUA ). While studying there , I was one of only 15 female engineers in my class . As a result , promoting diversity in STEM and the telecom industry is a cause that is close to my heart .

After completing my PhD , I engaged in postdoctoral activities and research at NTUA until July 2000 , when I joined Ericsson in Athens , Greece .
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