Mobile Magazine March 2023 | Page 15


Sustainability in the telecoms industry

58 %

OF CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SHOPPERS WANT TO BUY GADGETS THROUGH THE METAVERSE � These figures come from a new survey conducted by Outform , which also revealed that 45 % of shoppers purchasing consumer electronics believe that the metaverse represents the future of shopping .


THE GENDER GAP IN METAVERSE LEADERSHIP ROLES � Looking at how gender dynamics are playing out in the early stages of the metaverse , research by McKinsey found an already discernible gender gap . Less than 10 % of Fortune 500 CEOs are women , only 17 % of venture capital ( VC ) dollars go to women-led and women co-led companies , while just 15 % of VC general partners in the US are women .
94 % OF THE WORLD ’ S ‘ UNCONNECTED ’ POPULATION LIVES IN LMICS � In The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity report 2022 , GSMS revealed that 95 % of the world ’ s population is now covered by a mobile broadband network . At the end of 2021 , the coverage gap represented 5 % of the world ’ s population . Although this was successfully reduced in 2022 , it was only at a pace of 1 percentage point ( pp ) per year between 2018 and 2021 .
GOOGLE , AMAZON , ORACLE AND MICROSOFT GAIN PENTAGON CONTRACT � The Pentagon has announced that it has awarded its cloud computing contract – which could reach a ceiling value of $ 9bn – to Amazon , Google , Microsoft and Oracle .
All of the four successful companies had been sent requests for bids from the US federal agency in 2021 .
� According to Nokia , nextgen networks are up to 90 % more energy efficient than 4G
� Vodafone has pledged to use 100 % renewable electricity across its operations by 2025
� According to the Environmentally Sustainable 5G Deployment report , energy consumption is set to increase by 160 % from 2020 to 2030
� Telecoms accounts for 3 % of total global energy consumption , making it one of the most energy-intensive industries





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