At a pivotal moment for telecoms , Rakuten Symphony unveils the revolutionary future offered by a Mobile-as-a-Software mindset & modular technology
At a pivotal moment for telecoms , Rakuten Symphony unveils the revolutionary future offered by a Mobile-as-a-Software mindset & modular technology
Cast your mind back over the last forty years of evolution in telecoms – a considerable amount has changed in this time , right ?
Though this may appear to be the case , what with the development of mobile phones themselves , the critical layers upon which such evolution has been predicated have actually remained pretty much , well , the same . After all , if it isn ’ t broken , why fix it ? But it ’ s this attitude that has the industry trapped in a vice-like grip , reliant on arduously clunky hardware-based systems that should , by now , have been relegated to the past .
With the very nature of mobile services ripe for a revolutionary reimagination , then , Rakuten Symphony was born . Functioning as the telecoms arm of the Rakuten Group – a strategic B2B , digital bank and ecommerce and digital contents group with more than 1.7 billion members worldwide – its entire premise is based on one radical decision : choosing not to build its mobile network on legacy hardware .
“ The idea to move the entire mobile architecture into a software-centric platform isn ’ t a small evolution . It ' s a revolution of how networks are engineered , built , and architected based on new , modern cloud architecture , in which Open RAN is just one pillar of the many things that we have done ,” says Tareq Amin , CEO of Rakuten Symphony .
32 March 2023