Digital transformation is far from losing its buzzword status . However , an all-too-often neglected element of innovation strategies is garnering the support of employees – the current state of healthcare transformation serves as a clear warning for ‘ what not to do ’
“ A digital transformation isn ’ t just about getting the best tech in place quickly – it can only be implemented successfully if teams and users are on-board with what you are doing ”
With the advent of smart cities and their associated interconnected technologies , the stakes for digital transformation have never been higher .
And , when we look at the potential capabilities offered by AI , IoT , ML and so on , it ’ s hard not to get excited .
But , as a tech writer , that ’ s very easy for me to say . What about those who don ’ t spend their days writing about pioneering new technologies ? If you ’ re unfamiliar with the tech sphere and its innovations , then these tools could easily seem like efficiency obstacles or unnecessary add-ons .
In a recent report , it was revealed that a staggering 99 % of healthcare professionals in the UK ’ s NHS want the freedom to focus on patient care but feel that the abundance of technology is taking time and energy away from their core tasks .
“ IT leaders face a real quandary in trying to capitalise on the opportunities that digital technologies bring , but also in limiting the disruption and stress that accompanies huge changes to how staff work when patient demand and staffing levels are so critical ,” says Liam Cahill , an advisor to national bodies and frontline providers in healthcare .
So , in this month ’ s issue , I first explored the latest developments in healthcare technologies , then , secondly , exactly how the industry is planning to adopt them more seamlessly into the future .
JOSEPHINE WALBANK josephine . walbank @ bizclikmedia . com © 2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED sustainabilitymag . com 7