Mobile Magazine May 2022 | Page 34

The initial idea was formulated with Sherwood Forest in mind , a location associated with the legend of Robin Hood . Today , it ' s a 450-acre natural reserve managed by the RSPB , a third-party shared organisation that NCC works with to preserve and maintain the sustainability of the forest . Within the forest ’ s expanse , there are hundreds of trees over 500 years old , as well as the rather famous Major Oak that ’ s estimated to be between 800-1100 years old – all of which is , as you ’ d expect , heavily protected .
“ We were thinking of how we need to protect this forest and show new generations how to do so , while also learning the history ,” says Clulow . “ So we worked with the RSPB when undertaking trials , asking what we ’ re allowed to do and where we ’ re allowed to fly the drones , because we ’ re not trying to damage nature – we ’ re trying to work around and with it , while also supporting and protecting it to make it even better .”
34 May 2022