Mobile Magazine May 2022 | Page 47


shortage , which means you don ' t get the chips that you need . So you end up with delays .”
The project has also been beleaguered with companies “ developing systems and devices that they say will do what it says on the tin , but in actuality , when you receive it , you struggle to make it work ”. Fisher has worked closely with engineers because of this .
“ I was working with Sergey , who ' s our chief architect and also who ' s very hands-on with all the equipment , making it work . I was trying to pick up what he was doing so that I could help pass information back to the directors ,” he explains , before adding with a chuckle , “ I ' ve often considered myself to be the geek-tohuman interface .”
Getting the infrastructure to the trialling stage has required a huge amount of learning and adjusting along the way , but this has been beneficial for the project overall , helping it to be delivered successfully on
time . “ If you fail quickly , you make progress quickly , and the guys have just been phenomenal with their attitude and making this work through all the stresses and strains of life that we ' ve all been through .”
Now the infrastructure is in place , Fisher says : “ We ' re in a situation where , commercially , we could probably do something straight after these trials .” Stanislawski is excited about the possibilities open before the company , acknowledging further use cases for more visitor attractions at Rufford , as well as the ways in which IoT devices can aid water management at a minute level . In short , the possibilities are endless .
“ It ' s not all about profit and business . It ' s about giving back to people as well , because they ' re going to enjoy the process of it ,” says Fisher , highlighting the true purpose of the 5G Connected Forest . mobile-magazine . com 47