Mobile Magazine May 2022 | Page 5



A recent scan of the Mobile Magazine website showed the last three stories posted had a common factor – 5G . Here are the headlines :
• Vodafone : Network slicing and its role in 5G
• GSMA sets out 5G roadmap for Asia Pacific
• How can 5G Ultra Wideband transform other industries ?
This potentially tells the reader a couple of things . Firstly , that we have too many stories about 5G , or secondly , that 5G is top of the mobile agenda . Looking at those stories , I like to think it ’ s the latter .
From the UK to APAC and the US , the biggest operators and associations ( GSMA accounts for around 1,200 organisations ), 5G opens up a whole new world of opportunities . Unlike that web content mentioned above , this is not news .
However , as we tentatively look beyond 5G even while huge swathes of the planet are not even remotely close to achieving that standard , there is a welcome sense of hope , possibility and greater human connection . In troubled times , that is to be cherished .
SCOTT BIRCH scott . birch @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED mobile-magazine . com 5