Mobile Magazine May 2024 | Page 111


As technology continues to advance , the integration of mobile technology and virtual capabilities is reshaping the mobile space and transforming the way we interact with digital environments . This shift presents both users and businesses with exciting opportunities and new challenges to tackle , not least the metaverse , the convergence of physical and virtual space accessed through computers and enabled by immersive technologies such as virtual reality , augmented reality and mixed reality .

The growth of the industrial metaverse A panel at the recent Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona said that the industrial metaverse is already being used in a wide range of industries and will continue to grow . Jane Rygaard Pederson , Head of Corporate Partnerships at Nokia , said in her role she sees the whole industry working together to make the industrial metaverse happen .
“ It ’ s how do we have a digital representation of the physical world but at the same time , how are we able to impact back in the physical world ,” she said . “ It is not enough just to have the image , there has to be an action coming out of it into the real world again . We have to consider how people fit in too .”
Ingrid Cotoros , VP of Technology Engineering and Reality Labs at Meta , says : “ If we think about the metaverse , it ’ s just the natural evolution of how we ’ re all going to connect to the next internet .
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