Mobile Magazine May 2024 | Page 128

WATCH NOW connectivity ’ s digital shift , benefiting consumers , mobile operators and IoT enterprises , while reducing costs , enhancing experiences and enabling innovation .”
Digital convergence has been talked about at length and is now becoming a reality with organisations and sectors needing to embrace the enabling technologies to support the future service needs of their consumers .
Warburton says : “ The potential for eSIM is vast , with 5G creating new use cases in Massive , Critical , and Ultra- Reliable Internet of Things ( IoT ), providing organisations with the chance to achieve global and continuous connectivity through eSIM technology .”
Unlike traditional SIM cards , Electronic Subscriber Identity Module ( eSIM ) technology is embedded -freeing devices from the limitations of physical SIM cards , enabling seamless switching between service providers and going beyond incremental upgrades .
But Warburton urges us to take a step back .
“ In the not-so-distant past activating a smartphone required the insertion of a SIM card . Irrespective of the chosen mobile operator , the SIM card was tailored to that specific network , making the device carrier-dependent . If a smartphone user wanted to switch carriers , this meant obtaining a new SIM card ,” he says .
128 May 2024