The application of intelligent connectivity to the manufacturing and industrial sectors is probably the most advanced use case . The concept of smart manufacturing - which uses a convergence of big data analysis , automation , robotics and AI - is already delivering value to enterprises through increased efficiency and visibility .
According to Seferidis , increasingly intelligent connectivity can endow the manufacturing sector with the resilience it needs to survive future crises like the COVID-19 pandemic . “ It ’ s in the manufacturing industry particularly where the introduction of these technologies will be truly transformational ,” he explained .
“ Intelligent Connectivity enables the creation of smart factories , in which operations can be streamlined and modified on-the-fly to optimise the manufacturing process . The level of automation permitted by smart factories promises a host of benefits , including real-time linkages to customer demand forecasts , reliable quality , predictable production capacity and lower cost of production .”
“ At Orange , rather than ‘ Intelligent Connectivity ’ we talk about ‘ Ambient Intelligence ’, where AI is integrated in a connected environment in service of mankind ”
— Jean-Marc Lafond , Director , IoT innovation , Orange