Seizing the 5G and Edge opportunity
Seizing the 5G and Edge opportunity
67 and cut down on vehicle emissions in the city by 21 %; and public safety initiatives in cities like Denver , which can accurately detect the origins of gunshots , and have led to more than 130 arrests since being implemented . “ Citizens around the world are increasingly warming to the idea of smart cities ,” noted Pierre-Adrien Hanania , Capgemini ’ s Global Offer Leader for AI in the Public Sector , speaking to Mobile World Magazine . “ Many believe smart initiatives can help solve the pain points that they come up against in their day-to-day lives , like high pollution , poor transport infrastructure and security issues .”
As smart city projects become a ubiquitous feature of nearly every major city ’ s urban planning roadmap , telecom providers are proving to be vital infrastructure providers . However , like street lighting , school funding and notoriously freeways , smart city programs and telecom networks can also end up being reinforcers of racial and class divisions , leading to further disparity between the average quality of life in affluent , commercial , poor and rural areas .
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