Mobile Magazine November 2020 | Page 97


Title : Chairman of the Board Industry : Telecommunications
Company : 5G IA Location : Germany
Colin has detailed knowledge and experience of the telecommunications industry having worked directly or indirectly with many of the major players over a 28-year period . The roles have included software developer , technical consultant , technical marketing , standardization and management . The software development has been at both the project and product levels including responsible for customer relations and software QA procedures . The management has been at project , program , group and competence area level , often involving multi-site and multi-country responsibilities .
In addition to line manager roles , he has participated extensively in standardization activities at ETSI , ITU-T and 3GPP , including instrumental work in creating and developing the TTCN-3 testing language . Colin has also been very active in the European research ecosystem , including leading a number of awardwinning European projects such as TT-Medal , D-MINT and SEMAFOUR . Colin is currently head of Radio Network Standardization at Nokia and in addition is also the chairman of the board of the 5G Infrastructure Association . www . mobilemagazine . com