Mobile Magazine November 2024 | Page 78

John Walsh , Director of Technology Transformation at Virgin Media Ireland , explains how the company is digitally transforming with the customer in mind
John Walsh , Director of Technology Transformation at Virgin Media Ireland , explains how the company is digitally transforming with the customer in mind

I n recent years , the Republic of Ireland has become a technology-leading hub for digital transformation . Its overwhelming progress is only continuing , with the country ’ s Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) market having been valued at US $ 20.3bn in 2023 .

One of the companies at the forefront of these changes is Virgin Media Ireland , Liberty Global ’ s telecommunications operation in Ireland . As of August 2024 , the company offers broadband internet , digital television and mobile phone services to one million customers .
As a key player within the telecommunications and media industry ,

“ If our customers are happy , if our customer services are as performant as they can be , then we win all around ”

JOHN WALSH DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION , VIRGIN MEDIA IRELAND its key priorities are to deliver the bestin-class products and connectivity services . Likewise , customer experience is king and , with a methodical approach to digital transformation , Virgin Media Ireland is continuing to build up its partnerships and services to remain a leading figure in the telecoms sector .
‘ Digital-first ’ telco transformation in Ireland John Walsh , Director of Technology Transformation for Virgin Media Ireland , is working to spearhead a comprehensive digital revolution within the company . He explains how the company is helping Ireland capitalise on its recent technology boom , leveraging its partnerships to position itself at the forefront of technological advancements in a competitive telecommunications landscape .
“ We have a responsibility in Virgin Media as a long-standing telco in Ireland to modernise and ensure that we ’ re delivering services , particularly digital services , for our customers that use the services that have come in the tech boom ,” he says . “ That also requires a massive responsibility to ensure our telecommunications company is up to the highest standards .”
The organisation is embarking on a three-phase digital transformation journey . With a keen focus on customer-