technologies develop over the coming years to make widespread 5G a reality .”
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Three ’ s activities and required an agile response , as Reidy explains : “ It ’ s brought forward certain activities and pushed others back . Clearly , in terms of how we work as an organisation , it ’ s fundamentally changed how we work - as it has for most companies worldwide .” He also sees the pandemic as pushing companies into a broader digital journey . “ I think it will have a fast-track effect , particularly in the retail space where people have been forced online . In the long term , that ’ s going to change
“ We ’ ve recently concluded and delivered a completely new IT stack ”
— Stephen Reidy , CIO , Three Ireland
forever , depending on how long social distancing is in place , and so on .”
Reidy is clear that the principal benefactor of Three ’ s transformation has been the customer . “ We ’ re always looking to do more . It ’ s really about how we can continually evolve and enhance the customer experience . We ’ ve delivered a digital transformation , which has brought a lot of new digital
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