Mobile Magazine September 2020 | Page 30


From power purchase agreements to carbon credits , Mobile Magazine explores the state of sustainability initiatives in the telecom industry


W ith the world reeling in response to a global pandemic that has killed more than 13 million people , it ’ s easy to forget that this tragedy is not the greatest threat facing our species .

As polar ice retreats , and freak meteorological disasters grow more common every day ( remember when we thought the Australian bushfires were the worst thing that 2020 could possibly throw at us ?), people and companies around the world must face up to the reality that climate change poses an existential threat to us all . If we are to preserve our planet for future generations , drastic and lasting changes need to be made .
The mobile and telecommunications industry is particularly well-positioned to lead the way in implementing these changes , and there is recognition and the outspoken desire for green transformation across the sector . A recent study of more