Mobile Magazine September 2020 | Page 41

The 5G energy curve – Courtesy of Ericsson
41 effect real sustainable change . Back in March , Swedish telecom and IT giant Ericsson estimated that the annual global energy cost for running mobile networks is about $ 25bn . From both cost and carbon footprint perspectives , they note that energy is one of the industry ’ s biggest challenges .
However , the company sees the impending 5G rollout as an opportunity to “ rethink how to build , operate and manage networks in a smarter and more strategic way .” By using energy saving software like the MicroSleep Tx and the Low Energy Scheduler Solution , Ericsson claims that operators can reduce radio equipment energy consumption by up to 15 %. On top of this , the company is offering network hardware that allows operators to run 4G and 5G services simultaneously on the same spectrum . Modernising deployments can also recoup their upgrade costs within three years and offer up to 30 % savings on energy consumption .
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