“ Data centres are becoming a more strategic asset for telecom operators , with many currently in the midst of , or planning , major transformations ”
— Roz Roseboro , Senior Analyst , Heavy Reading
deployments and the ever-expanding Internet of Things ( IoT ) expected to drive mobile usage and traffic volumes to new heights . In short , the modern telco handles mind-shattering amounts of information on a daily basis . It ’ s easy to see , then , why data centres are becoming critical pieces of telecommunications infrastructure . “ Data centres are becoming a more strategic asset for telecom operators , with many currently in the midst of , or planning , major transformations ,” notes Roz Roseboro , a Senior Analyst at research firm Heavy Reading . “ Whereas they were once used primarily to support internal functions , today data centres are used to deliver end-user applications , including content and video .” In order to compensate for these potentially seismic disruptions , many telecom companies bought their own data centres over the last ten years , frequently snapping up managed service providers for billions of dollars , using their infrastructure for their own needs and selling colocation services on the side . However , in recent months , we ’ ve started to see something approaching a mass exodus , as telco providers spin off their data centre assets and turn towards managed services . In this month ’ s issue of Mobile World Magazine , we take a closer look at the evolving relationship between telecommunications companies and the data centre infrastructure that is critical to their success .
Theoretically there is no difference between a data centre used by
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