Mobile Magazine September 2020 | Page 69

capacity and physical perspective ,” he explained in an article back in 2017 . “ Operators have acquired these sites and built central offices for their network gear during several decades . This means that they are in many cases not as modern from a physical viewpoint as the large and centralised data centres that have been popping up like mushrooms the last couple of years around the world . There is a golden opportunity to leverage the telco network infrastructures , which are already deployed in a distributed manner , to take part in the IoT value chain as well as in enterprise on-premises solutions . Most telecom operators already have a distributed infrastructure in place — built up over decades . It is a valuable asset which can be used when they take part in the emerging IoT ecosystem . Utilising micro data centres makes that effort easier .” He concludes : “ Micro data centres could be a way forward .” Looking at the ongoing movement towards the edge , and the increased infrastructure investment the telecommunications industry is making , there ’ s a good chance he could be right .
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