IoT Blockchain : Digital Identity and the Internet of Things | Blockchain Central
IoT Blockchain : Digital Identity and the Internet of Things | Blockchain Central
75 digitally capable than ever before . Across enterprises and personal environments , the mobile device is increasingly becoming the universal remote that allows us to interact with our increasingly intelligent surroundings .
The global IoT market has grown dramatically in recent years , from $ 110bn in 2017 to $ 248bn last year . By 2025 , IoT is expected to generate more than $ 1.5trn annually . Its applications are predicted to transform the ways in which we live and do business . More and more , the need for companies to incorporate
IoT into their digital transformations is becoming an apparent necessity .
“ When we talk about the IoT , it ’ s not just putting RFID tags on some dumb thing so we smart people know where that dumb thing is ,” says MIT professor , the first ever TED Talk speaker and author of the book Being Digital , Nicholas Negroponte . “ It ’ s about embedding intelligence so things become smarter and do more than they were proposed to do .” A future enabled by IoT transformations throughout our factories , homes and cities has the potential to be truly remarkable .
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