Many products available today fail to incorporate even the most basic security measures ”
— Robert Muehlbauer , Senior Manager , Axis Communications
82 as it provides easily-traced and near-impenetrable levels of encryption . A report by cybersecurity firm Consensys posits that blockchainpowered identity management systems could overcome issues of inaccessibility , data insecurity and outside forces gaining network access using fraudulent identities . “ The user ’ s digital identity landscape experience is exceptionally fragmented . Users juggle various identities associated with their usernames across different websites . There is no standardised way to use the data generated by one platform on another platform ,” adds the report . “ Due to the increasing sophistication of smartphones , advances in cryptography and the advent of blockchain technology , we have the tools to build new identity management systems ; digital identity frameworks based upon the concept of decentralised identifiers .”
The effectiveness of secure certificates also lies in the fact that they only remain valid for a limited time period , after which they must be reviewed and recertified . The authorisations linked to the identities