It ’ s been a good year for space-based networks . Even as public opinion has decidedly turned against the incredibly expensive vanity projects emblematic of the inane billionaire space race , several companies have had significant success working on developing low earth orbit ( LEO ) networks for much more useful applications .
We ’ ve covered the possibility for satellite networks to combine with 5G technology before but focused largely on the potential for the technology to broaden high-speed internet coverage in rural areas . However , this isn ’ t the only frontier where LEO networks are pushing the boundaries of connectivity .
“ Space is increasingly becoming commercialised , specifically with much more terrestrial technology use in mind ,” wrote Martin Keenan , Technical Director at Avnet Abacus , in a recent breakdown he did for us on the development of LEO network applications . According to him , the combination of 5G networks and LEO coverage “ is likely to become increasingly
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