Mobile Magazine September 2021 | Page 72



Number of Starlink satellites launched ( March , 2021 )


Number of Starlink satellites launched ( August , 2021 )


Never one to do anything by half measures , Elon Musk is adopting a policy of total LEO domination at his own satellite internet firm Starlink ( currently a subsidiary of SpaceX , although Musk has hinted at an IPO once the company " has its affairs in order ").
Assuming Musk ’ s very public rocketmeasuring contest with Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson doesn ’ t get in the way , and Starlink continues putting its nanosatellites into orbit 240 at a time , the night ’ s sky could soon be home to more than 10,000 satellites , the first of which are already supporting satellite internet trials in some of the world ’ s most remote markets .
Hybrid IoT From Above and Below Omar Qaise , the founder and CEO of Luxembourg-based startup OQ Technology , is flying high right now . Last month , his fledgling company launched the Tiger-2 - the world ’ s first satellite designed to support the delivery of 5G IoT networks from space .
“ The demand for globally connected devices is growing ,” Qaise explains to us . “ To connect billions of sensors and devices , the infrastructure of the IoT will have to evolve .” In order to facilitate this evolution , Qaise posits that satellites in LEO are “ the only cost-effective way that can push the network beyond what terrestrial providers can offer .” The startup has already seen some early success , with Qaise explaining that two of OQ ’ s early customers include the European Space Agency , which so far has signed four contracts , worth several
72 September 2021