Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 48

2023 Statista data showed the number of mobile devices operating worldwide stood at almost 15 billion in 2021 , up from just over 14bn in the previous year . That figure is expected to reach 18.2bn by 2025
United Nations reports that e-waste is the world ’ s fastest-growing waste stream , with the 50 million tonnes of electronic waste generated every year expected to more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050
E-hoarders in the UK are estimated to have enough unused cables to circle the planet five times , with every household thought to have 20 unused electronic items
One in three adults said they recycled their unwanted electricals and only 2 % mended them or took them to be repaired , according to Material Focus
Most resources are dumped or burned as opposed to being responsibly collected , contributing to a hefty US $ 10bn being wasted each year
London Waste and Recycling Board ’ s scheme collects around 90,000 tonnes of e-waste recycling a year .
Last year , Vodafone reported a 26 % rise in people trading in items over a six month period and a 72 % increase since the previous year . attitudes towards product replacement and instead getting them thinking about alternatives like recycling and reusing . “ But this means there is a growing requirement for accessible device repair or disposal services as well as more cost-effective and responsible ways to upgrade devices . Change is afoot .”
Last year , Vodafone reported a 26 % rise in people trading in items over a six month period and a 72 % increase since the previous year . Financial services provider Allianz also estimates that the average replacement cycle period for smartphones in North America and Europe has lengthened since 2016 by 30 % and 24 % respectively . Miller stresses the industry must play
48 September 2023