Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 59

M1 sick during COVID-19 , there was no way for them to anchor in Singapore , and come in on land , because there were of course strict regulations .
“ That is a clear 5G use case , where you need to have low latency and other benefits , and it ’ s actually a win-win situation for all of us . The port authority is happy that they can provide something to the ships , the seafarers are happy , and we are also happy because we found a good use case .”
The use of 5G connectivity includes telemedicine to enable crew welfare at sea , delivery drones , maritime surveillance , and autonomous vessels , as well as remotely controlled task-based robots , such as ship inspection and autonomous firefighting robots , that are used for more dangerous and labour-intensive tasks .
“ It ’ s nice that you can talk to a doctor or nurse , but there comes the point where you need to get the medicine to the seafarer , for example . So we worked with a partner , which is building these drones , to perform the last mile delivery so that we can deliver items – medicine in this case – from the Singapore main island towards the boats , all using our 5G network .
“ That is something which we can build not in a matter of years , but within weeks . Because we are a little bit more nimble than some of our competitors , we can act much faster and smarter to deploy solutions and provide a win-win-win situation for everyone .”
AWS and Amdocs : working with partners who share a similar mindset As Morgenthal explains , M1 works with a number of partners such as Amazon Web Services and Amdocs on M1 ’ s digital transformation . mobile-magazine . com 59