Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 62

“ I also want to have those partners which share a similar cultural approach to M1 . We need to open our eyes and actually foresee the future , as best as we can , and plan for it . Because I think one thing is very clear : in 10 years , telcos won ’ t be the same , and I think we need to shape our future by ourselves .
“ That ’ s what I also like about Amazon Web Services and Amdocs , because both of them share a strong focus customercentricity and desire to fundamentally re-invent on behalf of the customer by leveraging technology . I want to work with partners that have a similar view on what is actually needed for pushing the next boundary of digital transformation .”
The aim to be a fully cloudnative digital operator For M1 , the future involves the continued transformation of moving from a traditional legacy operator towards a cloud-native digital operator . “ We embarked six months ago upon our enterprise transformation . So that ’ s clearly something which , especially in my heart , I will still drive this digital transformation until the end of 2024 , with the aim to also have a fully cloud-native setup also for our enterprise businesses .” Having successfully trialled the 5G maritime rollout , M1 will also be working to deploy further 5G usecases in the immediate future .
“ We are continuing to work to deploy more 5G use cases here in Singapore : we want to show more the true value of 5G and how we can actually embark on it . 5G will dominate more of the B2B space , but we ’ re also offering and getting more into the B2B2C space , so that our consumers can actually see the real benefits of 5G , and why they actually start using 5G .”
Central to this , Morgenthal explains , is about maintaining a customer-centric view . “ If we kept the same service product portfolio which we had five years ago , then obviously the consumer will ask , ‘ what is in it for me ?’
“ That is clearly something where we need to work on , to give our customers the right offerings . For consumers , it is something we need to take into consideration . In the past , most telcos lost touch with their
62 September 2023