Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 76

DISH Network has its eyes on taking over the Wireless Market in the USA with Open Radio Access Network Technology . Can its competitors keep up ?

According to Statista , in 2021 , the number of mobile devices operating worldwide stood close to 15 billion . With the global population at almost 8 billion , that ’ s nearly two mobile phones for every person on the planet . It ’ s therefore no hyperbole to say that , in telecommunications terms , we are truly interconnected – and that ’ s just through mobile phones alone .

Throughout day-to-day life , we make use of a myriad of devices to communicate without even considering the nature of their connectivity and functionality ; as such , the vast majority of people are similarly unaware of the seismic technological shifts occurring beneath the surface of every industry .
Industry 4.0 and the 5G revolution have begun to coalesce , set to transform the very socio-technological fabric of our world – and the magnitude of change is creating an interesting playing field for those businesses at the forefront .
The aptly-named DISH Network ( Digital Sky Highway Network ) is one of the major players in this competitive field . Foreseeing the value and opportunities in dominating the wireless network – or the Digital Sky Highway – DISH firmly ensconced itself within the possibility-laden world of 5G before it was fashionable , envisioning solutions that sat outside of the box .
76 September 2023