Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 82



over the US ’ Wireless Market with Open-RAN Tech

“ Open-ran is like turning a vertical network on its side and making it horizontal ”

STEPHEN BYE EVP AND CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER , DISH WIRELESS infrastructure . This is almost diametrically opposed to those of traditional operators – helping to establish DISH and its network as a one-of-a-kind solution .
Changing the status quo As the technological landscape evolves , a number of little-known developments are permeating the technosphere , one of these being Open Radio Access Network ( O-RAN ).
Stephen Bye – who , in his role of CCO , is used to translating techno-speak – explains the concept further : “ To understand O-RAN , you need to understand that the most critical word in that acronym is ‘ open ’. This ‘ openness ’ allows us to virtually ‘ open up ’ the ecosystem and separate the software from the hardware .”
82 September 2023