Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 93


“ Charlie Ergen ( Chairman and co-founder ) had the foresight over a decade ago to realise that the satellite TV business was at some point going to be a business in decline , and so he started acquiring spectrum ”

Many of DISH ’ s offerings will focus on enterprise networks . These private networks will sit on top of SMBEs ( Small Medium Businesses and Entrepreneurs ), which will contain their virtual mutual policy management , allowing them to control their costs , their mobility and their security in a simplified manner .
Rouanne explains how , through the use of private networks , DISH is able to " give the keys to big enterprises ", enabling them to keep the data in their own facilities and giving them a greater level of control over their data security , and their ability to offload the traffic onto their own WiFi .
When asked about DISH ’ s vision and objectives for the market as a whole , Mayo noted that he has noticed a desire among many companies – whether it be oil and gas refineries , or manufacturers – to keep their data on-prem .
“ It ' s counterintuitive for the incumbents to move core network elements offprem , out of their switches and into a manufacturing , refinery or campus-type environment . That ' s one of the unique things that our network is engineered and architected to do , right out of the gate : to actually provide that capability .”
And Mayo confidently says that , within the next five to ten years , DISH will be far better positioned to be able to achieve that .
" I think we ' ll be able to take advantage of opportunities like that and be the wireless network for CIOs , which is a tremendous opportunity for the business . It ' ll really give us the ability to grow lots of revenue in a way that ' s distinct and different to our competitors .”
These last two points are important to note , as data and its security are core concerns of companies at the moment . Being able to offer capability alongside individualised security is a key differentiator .
“ Existing networks are monolithic today . Because DISH is cloud-native , however , we can have a mini-core for each enterprise and they can decide – whether they fly drones , move trucks or are engaged in retail – what they do with this . It gives them full control ”, Rouanne explained .
Despite initial uncertainty regarding how successful the venture into wireless networks would be , DISH has gone from strength to strength under Charlie Ergen ’ s leadership .
“ And so , in terms of capabilities ,” grins Rouanne , “ I know something big is coming our way .” mobile-magazine . com 93