Mobile Magazine January 2022 | Page 14



The rise of AI / ML services

The Head Geeks™ at tech and security firm SolarWinds have been kind enough to share their expert predictions for the year to come , covering topics ranging from the growth of AI / ML services to the rise of the Chief Data Officer .

Giese Head Geek™ , SolarWinds
The explosion in data available to a company has made the use of artificial intelligence ( AI ) and machine learning ( ML ) a critical competitive advantage , but the talent and resources required to build solutions in-house is still prohibitive .
In 2022 , we ’ ll start to see AI and ML featured more prominently in organisations ’ IT environments through the adoption of off-the-shelf AI / ML services .
To Cloud or Not to Cloud ?
Leon Adato Head Geek™ , SolarWinds
The pandemic pressured organisations to modernise and accelerate digital transformation efforts , resulting in increased investments in cloud computing . However , every organisation has unique needs and business objectives — and many have learned the cloud isn ’ t the be-all and end-all to an organisation ’ s success . In 2022 , organisations will evaluate the implications of their cloud investments and will need to revisit best practices for engaging with the cloud .
14 January 2022