Mobile Magazine May 2024 | Page 117

WATCH NOW affect social networks and the growth of the Metaverse in this space .
Retail in the mobile metaverse Retailers are at the forefront of leveraging mobile commerce and the metaverse to redefine the shopping experience .
In fact , the metaverse ecommerce market is poised for significant growth , projected to reach a staggering US $ 30.6bn by 2024 , according to Statista . Through innovative mobile commerce platforms and virtual storefronts , a growing number of companies are buying up space in the metaverse so that they can set up shop there . These firms include the likes of Adidas , Burberry , Gucci , Tommy Hilfiger , Nike , Samsung , Louis Vuitton , and even banks HSBC and JP Morgan .
According to the RetailX Metaverse Almanac 2023 report these retailers are using the metaverse in a variety of ways , primarily categorised as ‘ events ’. These initiatives encompass a spectrum of activities , spanning from
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