• Lack of clarity and defined processes for how personal information is stored , accessed and used across metaverse platforms .
• Increased number of vulnerable touchpoints .
• Theft of digital identity and assets .
• Lack of regulations or a regulatory body .
• Accessibility of immersive harmful content .
• Transacting with an individual or a business with an unverified identity .
the establishment of pop-up shops and the integration of NFTs into gaming environments , to hosting virtual events where consumer avatars can actively participate . Additionally , retailers are also leveraging the metaverse by featuring their brand names on virtual billboards within existing gaming platforms .
Security and privacy in the mobile metaverse The UK Government has recently announced that it is carrying out vital research into the potential cybersecurity implications for technologies related to virtual worlds in which people connect with each other and digital objects ( such as virtual and augmented reality ). The research seeks to define the term ‘ metaverse ,’ introduce the technologies involved , possibly including the role of AI and cryptocurrencies , and the potential opportunities they present .
It will also consider potential types of cyberattacks and discuss the possible causes underpinning cyber security challenges . For example , inconsistent security and privacy practices , a lack of consumer protections , especially related to consumers ’ data , and challenges in verifying that the people and content encountered in the metaverse are what they appear to be .
118 May 2024