Watch this exclusive interview with Rakuten ’ s Nagendra Bykampadi on how the company is focused on cloud security solutions to protect future networks
merchants ,” Mickey told LinkedIn in 2020 . “[ Others ] started the business to replace the gigantic merchants , so that ’ s a fundamental philosophical difference and it is very difficult to change .”
Disrupting international markets With operations across 30 countries and regions in EMEA , the Americas and APAC , Rakuten now prides itself on being an international organisation .
In order to achieve this , Mickey made a bold decision to mandate English across all Rakuten operations and amongst its internal staff . Japanese workers were even told to speak English to each other .
Mickey says that this was to enable Rakuten to become a global competitor and expand into Western e-commerce markets . He notably said that the English language is no longer an advantage , it is a requirement .
“[ Our ] ambition was to become a global service company . If you want to become a global service company , your organisation needs to be global ,” he noted .