Mobile Magazine November 2024 | Page 54

Rakuten has also spent the last decade making several international acquisitions in Germany , Brazil and the UK in order to bolster its global presence . Significantly , Mickey decided to acquire the global eReading company Kobo , which prompted the birth of one of the largest online book catalogues in the world .
A philanthropic trailblazer Last year , Rakuten faced mounting pressures concerning its mobile division , which was struggling to achieve profit . In response , Mickey noted that the company was strategising to ensure the division would be “ hugely profitable ” moving forward .
“ This is a very unique business ,” he says in an interview with CNBC . “ Our operating costs are a fraction of our competitors , we are not being impacted by legacy supply chains .
“ We are innovating communications … it ’ s just a matter of time before we turn profitable .”
54 November 2024