Such technology is used in line with a strategy of understanding the customer ’ s needs . “ We want to be able to offer our customers relevant services at relevant times . So , like many telcos , the question is : ‘ how do we monetise the data that we have in a more efficient way ?’”
Reidy is not considering , as some are , a wholesale move to cloud systems . “ We use the cloud where appropriate ,” he says . “ That ’ s based on cost benefits , or where we need a particular type of agility - which you often can get from cloud as opposed to an on premise solution . But we have very much a hybrid setup , appreciating that public cloud isn ’ t always the right answer .”
Emerging technologies have also found their place in the transformation , such as the machine learning used in its aforementioned next best action / offer engine . “ AI is something we ’ re looking at to improve our efficiency . In terms of our customer care , we