Mobile Magazine September 2020 | Page 84

84 can be withdrawn if a certificate is not renewed or is compromised .
Large organisations may have tens of thousands of IoT devices from hundreds of manufacturers spread throughout their business . Frequently , IoT devices are created with only their primary function in mind , and according to Robert Muehlbauer , Senior Manager , Business Development Partner Ecosystems , at Axis Communications , “ many products available today fail to incorporate even the most basic security measures .”
The process of creating unified security standards across huge , disparate device networks starts at installation - although it can still continue as IoT networks are continually patched , upgraded and altered going forward . The Certificate Enrollment for Billions of Things ( otherwise known as CEBOT ), a Swedish nonprofit research organisation , claims to have at least solved the onboarding process . “ When it comes to the internet , the state of the art for enabling trusted identities is using public key infrastructure , PKI . But a real challenge with PKI is