“ A real challenge with [ Public Key Infrastructure ] is the enrollment process ”
— Shahid Raza , Senior Researcher , CEBOT the enrollment process ,” said Shahid Raza , a Senior Researcher at CEBOT , in an interview with NexusGroup . This process involves an individual operating an IoT device requesting access from the certificate issuing authority . However , there ’ s a problem with this . “ Many of the things that now are getting connected have no user interfaces ,” adds Raza . “[ Also ,] when billions of connected things are to be enrolled , it has to be an automated process . There are already protocols for enrollment , but they are too heavy for really resource-constrained things . And the current enrollment protocols are also not fully automated .”
To solve this issue , CEBOT has developed what it describes as a super lightweight protocol for getting IoT devices to automatically request certification from the local authority using a secure code built into it by the manufacturer . “ If you for example buy a lamp , the manufacturer has already placed a certificate in the lamp . And when you plug the lamp in for the first time , it automatically talks to the certificate authority via the new protocol and asks to get the certificate signed ,” says Raza .
By automating the onboarding process , large companies and organisations can ensure that their IDoT protocols are unified and secure out of the gate .
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