Mobile Magazine September 2021 | Page 39


41 % workers considering quitting or changing professions in 2021

Image © Rachel Flores

“The increased flexibility helps workers operate from anywhere , fitting their jobs around their individual needs ”


4m There were 4,000,000 people who quit their jobs in April , 2021

Apple ’ s management and its workers led to a slew of resignations throughout the supposedly hip , progressive firm . Apple isn ’ t the only company to have faced backlash from disgruntled employees in the face of the decision to return to the office . A global survey of 30,000 workers conducted by Microsoft found that 41 % of workers were considering quitting or changing professions this year . In the UK and Ireland , another study revealed that 38 % planned to quit . In the US , more than 4mn people quit their jobs in April alone - including the entire staff of a Burger King in Nebraska , who definitely take the top prize in the “ quitting in style ” category .
Of course , the now-viral Burger King walkout from a branch where employees
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