Mobile Magazine September 2021 | Page 40

The Remote Slacker Fallacy

The Remote Slacker Fallacy

When the pandemic started , there was a great deal of grumbling by management that , without anyone looking over their shoulders , workers ’ productivity would plummet . What actually happened - something which several four-day workweek trials have also pointed out in the past couple of years - is that the extra time , flexibility , and peace workers at home found in the remote lifestyle actually boosted productivity .
A two-year study by Great Place to Work of more than 800,000 employees at Fortune 500 companies found that workers were just as productive ( if not more so ) when working remotely . Another study by Stanford University of 16,000 US workers found that working from home increased productivity by around 13 %, and another by ConnectSolutions found that remote workers accomplished 30 % more work in less time than they would spend working in the office .

“ [ Hybrid ] offers a better worklife balance , where employees have more time to take care of their families or themselves ”

40 September 2021