had been working 60 hour weeks with no air conditioning in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record wasn ’ t about having to return to the office - those essential workers never left . But in an economy where wages have remained stagnant while productivity ( as well as corporate profits and executive bonuses ) soared over the last decade , where billionaires are more interested in spending their tax-free fortunes on a space-based pissing contest than meaningfully contributing to society , it ’ s not all that surprising that patronising memos and threatening comments from CEOs ( Morgan Stanley CEO James
13 % productivity increase when working from home
Gorman said he ’ d be “ very disappointed if people haven ’ t found their way into the office ” by early September , adding that “ Then we ’ ll have a different kind of conversation .”) have prompted millions of workers to decide they ’ ve had enough . As usual , pearl-clutching economists have even given it a catchy name : The Great Resignation .
Zoom to the rescue … Again Employers are , quite understandably , nervous about the return to the office . Sure , some back-to-work orders are the result of managers ’ antiquated attitudes
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