Mobile Magazine - September 2023 | Page 56



Morgenthal Emphasizes Customer-Centricity in Digital Powerhouse Aspiration
business , but our entire consumer business is already more than 95 % now in the cloud . So actually we have moved almost everything now , except for a couple of legacy items , and some parts which we are not allowed to put into public cloud infrastructure . But everything else will be just going fully into the cloud and that ’ s clearly what we will close by next year .”
In its transformation , what M1 is doing , Morgenthal explains , is taking a very customer-centric approach , as part of an ambition to become a digital powerhouse .
“ We want to be a fully digital operator , but also to offer made to measure offerings , and expand our enterprise business which is a key area for us ,” he says . “ We also want to follow up our regional
growth plan . Globally we are not as big as other telco groups – but we want to play smart .”
An example of this smart approach comes through M1 ’ s 5G rollout . As Morgenthal explains , when it came to approaching its 5G rollout , M1 decided to think a little differently – not even embarking on a non standalone ( NSA ) journey .
“ To offer the best latency and connectivity for customers , we didn ’ t embark on an NSA journey and went straight for standalone ( SA ) 5G .
“ Our 5G SA is a joint venture with one of the local mobile operators , with support from the Infocomm Media Development Authority , and I believe that placed us in a unique situation .”
56 September 2023