Mobile Magazine September 2021 | Page 16


Transformation Through Connectivity

Name : Keri Gilder Job Title : CEO Company : Colt Technology Services

Throughout her impressive career in the telecommunications industry , Colt Technology Services ’ CEO Keri Gilder has remained resolutely focused on leveraging connectivity in order to deliver outstanding results for her customers .

She took on the CEO role at Colt last year , following an 18 month stint as the company ’ s Chief Commercial Officer . In a recent interview , Gilder explained that , while the scope of her role has grown , her core mission has remained very much the same . “ Both CCO and CEO , if you get down to brass tacks , they both have employees and customers at the front and centre .”
Born in Leadville , Colorado ( a town somewhat ironically known for its role in the silver and gold mining industries ), Gilder has come a long way to reach her current position at Colt ’ s London Headquarters .
She has held roles as a network engineer for aircraft manufacturers , worked